A lot of people are buying insurance online these days, and while it’s nice to have the convenience of an online vendor, most people don’t understand enough about insurance to purchase the right coverages. As a result, people all over the country are underinsured, and when a loss happens they risk losing their home, business, and savings.
When I meet with a new client, I explain to them very clearly what is covered under their insurance policy. I inform them of possible gaps in coverage, and give them the options to fill those gaps. I explain the risks and benefits of higher deductibles, raising or lowering liability limits, earthquake coverage, and more.
My policy is to educate my clients and let them make their own decisions.
I am available anytime on my cell phone, and our agency has an excellent customer service staff. If you need to make a claim, have a question about your policy and coverages, need to make a change on your insurance policy, or have any other concern, we are here to help you. All of our customer service representatives are licensed by the state and have years of experience in the insurance industry.
We are also a full-service agency, which means that we can assist you with any insurance need. We can help you with property, liability, workers' compensation, health insurance, home & auto, disability insurance, life insurance, bonds, and more. Having all of your insurance in one place is more convenient for you and could possibly save you more money through multi-policy discounts.
We understand that price is a strong factor when deciding where to place your insurance. That is why we look at several insurance companies to determine the best fit for your situation. Coverage and service come first, but by shopping your insurance with multiple carriers we can ensure that you are getting the best possible value on your insurance.
In addition, we will work to ensure that you’re getting the all possible discounts, which include a multi-policy discount, good student discount, mature driver discount, multi-vehicle discount, and more.
We want all of our clients to get a good price, but not at the expense of coverages and service. All of the companies we work with are nationally recognized for their customer service and financial stability. It is our responsibility as an agency to look out for your best interests, and at the same time get you the best price possible.